Phylogeny-based Protein Function Prediction
SIFTER (Statistical Inference of Function Through Evolutionary Relationships) is a statistical approach to predicting protein function that uses a protein family's phylogenetic tree, as the natural structure for representing protein relationships.
- SIFTER was recently honored as the best-performing sequence-based protein function prediction method in the Critical Assessment of Function Annotation.
- SIFTER webserver is updated on Aug 12,2015:
- Results are obtained using the family data from Pfam v27.0, the gene ontology data from GO (update 03/31/2015), and the annotation data from UniProt-GOA (update 03/31/2015).
- Currently SIFTER has predictions for proteins across species.
- For queries not in our current results, try "Predict by seqence" to find SIFTER predictions for the closest homologs.
- Citations:
- Sahraeian SME, Luo KR, Brenner SE. 2015. SIFTER search: a web server for accurate phylogeny-based protein function prediction. Nucleic Acids Research. Nucleic Acids Research 43:W141-W147. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv461
- Engelhardt BE, Jordan MI, Srouji JR, Brenner SE. 2011. Genome-scale phylogenetic function annotation of large and diverse protein families.Genome Research 21:1969-1980. doi:10.1101/gr.104687.109